The first thought which ticks our mind hearing of cork is evening wine. But associating it only with wine stopper closes the door to the sustainable land which we all should endeavour for. Talk about protecting animals or forests, cork has a solution to all. 

The terrific journey of cork starts from the cork forest of Portugal. Among these forests, a group of skilled men gather with their mammoth axes to strike the cork oak trees. Portugal has 35 per cent of all the cork trees in the world and from here expedition of every Orenda India’s product begins.

The extraordinary skill of harvesting cork is carried forward from one generation to another. The fine cuts struck into the bark of the tree avoiding any chance to destroy the inner bark could only be done with hands. Damaging of the inner bark exposes the tree to diseases. In conclusion, performing it with extreme alert and focus is significant. Want to learn how to harvest cork? We better start meditating now. 

Each cork tree to be harvested is taken over by a team of two. The axemen smoothly swing to make several cuts first. Each cut is like a stroke of the brush. In other words, harvesting 200 years old cork tree is like refurbishing Leonardo da Vinci’s painting. Once they throw the axe deep into the outer bark, they twist the hand to open the cork. With a blade in hand, the other man pulls the cork plank separating it from the tree and it continues to survive for future generations to come.

The workmen head back to their houses bidding goodbye to the tree until next 9 years. After harvest, while trees go under the natural process of regeneration of bark, they absorb five times more carbon from the atmosphere. Which is like fixing two tons of carbon dioxide. 

Process of procuring cork is beautifully satisfying. A cork tree is doing every bit to help us and the planet. Similarly, it is our chance to work hand in hand to make a green change.

There is nothing like Cork.